Nexon EV driving cost break down 

Nexon EV driving cost break down 

The Nexon EV has been in lime light when we talk about EV

Nexon EV is gaining lot of attention and people in masses buying it

The Nexon EV sales are rising by every month

But we Indians investigates a lot before giving away out money

On of the customer shared full report of his Nexon EV spendings

Here’s the full report

Nexon EV get 3 free servicing within 1year or 15,500 km

After that he spends 29,000 in total for servicing within 85,000km

Nominal Servicing cost 660₹ and rest custom demands

After servicing he shares about charging price

He spends 1.07lakh in charging  for driving 85,000km

Which breakdown to 1.2₹/km

Total energy used 11,262 units

The price is considering 9.26 ₹/units

As the charging maybe on home or charging station so it may differ

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