Ola electric bike is confirmed

Ola electric bike is confirmed

After venturing into e-scooters, E-cars, Ola is building electric motorcycles

Ola CEO Bhavish will now march towards e-motorcycle market

Ola electric started in 2021 to bring revolution in EV market

It launched Ola S1 pro and the journey was not comfortable

Ola received backlashes due to its poor service

But it continuously improved

At one point it seemed Ola is drowning

But it didn’t gave up and did many launches into market

It launched Move OS 2.0 and Ola S1

This move revamped Ola as a company

On the way Ola informed about launching  its electric car

Ola is planning to launch a primum electric car

Right now the E-motorcycle market is dominated by revolt motors

Ola electric motorcycle may compete with Revolt RV 400

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