Recent times the hack attack has been exponentially increased.

From agriculture to tech, hackers have affected every other industry.

Now these attacks have started affecting charging stations also

Electric vehicles are the future and this industry is on a boom right now.

So to create trouble hackers are malfunctioning the charging stations.

Which is disabling people for using them.

Charging station are the backbone for heavy electric vehicles like e-cars.

In the month of August various places in the UK have encountered trouble with hacked charging points.

Hackers would turn off the charging of plugged in electric vehicles.

They’d take over the full control of the charging station and access the data of customers.

Going even further Hackers can take the control of your plugged in electric vehicles.

Can you imagine your EV being controlled by some anonymous.

However, no such case has yet reported in India but it is happening.

In western countries like, US, UK people have reported such cases.

In my opinion charging stations will have to strengthen their tech.

But what will happen only future can tell.

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